Monday, 24 February 2014

"My Writing Process" Blog Tour #mywritingprocess

I could barely remember my way here, but Kathryn Eastman has nominated me for "My Writing Process" blog tour, and it was a good reason to find my way back to my blog.
I'm going to answer four questions as part of the blog tour:

What am I working on?
I'm in the middle of my fifth novel. I was aiming for a Gothic novel, but I'm not sure if this will be the end result. I think the Spanish summer sun isn't helping with the dark atmosphere I was looking for. In any case, there's a mystery and romance.

How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I'm hoping it will stand out for one reason or the other, but don't ask me, I'm not a good saleswoman! I write romantic fiction, but I try to provide it with a dark, sinister atmosphere and it's usually set in different parts of Spain.

Why do I write what I do? 
Because I love reading romantic fiction as a whole, but I particularly enjoy Gothic novels and romantic suspense, so I want people like me to enjoy what I write one day.

How does my writing process work?
Basically, I know the beginning and the ending of the story, but nothing of what is going on in-between, so the story pops up as I write and hopefully heads in the direction I'd first thought, but I'm not bothered if it decides to change direction. I don't plot, and haven't tried it, because I think I'd get bored with it if I knew what was going to happen.
I set myself a daily wordcount and force myself to reach it even when I'm not inspired (which tends to happen towards the middle of my work in progress, i.e. now).
I love reading and mentally editing other people's work, but when it comes to mine, I dread it, especially when it's the third time I'm reading through it. I already know who the baddy is and who's going to kiss the heroine!

I now have to think of three people to nominate for the "My Writing Process" blog tour and there are so many people I'd like to nominate, it will take me a while to decide, but I'll be back soon to let you know who they are.


  1. Thanks so much for taking part in this, Sarah. It's been fascinating hearing about the type of books you write - I love the sound of darkly sinister, gothic romance! Can't wait to read those. And it's great to meet another pantster.

  2. Maybe you'll have to leave behind the Spanish sun & come over to the UK and sample some of our lusciously dark, Gothic winter??

  3. Interesting that you know the beginning and end but not what's in-between. That's exactly the way I write, it can be quite hair-raising especially at the three quarters mark, but we get there in the end!!
